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WHAT IS the Productivcity Space?The Productivity Space merges the convenience of a virtual space, the energy of a group co-working experience, and the guidance of a skilled coach to help you achieve your goals. Inspired by The Pomodoro Technique, a world-famous time management method that transforms the way people work, our Work Sprint Sessions motivate you to complete pre-determined tasks during timed work sprints with periodic rejuvenating breaks. The format of every Productivity Space Session is backed by the latest research in behavioral sciences, positive psychology, and neuroscience. Not only does this process help busy professionals check things off their To-Do Lists, it supports the creation of sustainable, empowering habits that improve focus and consistency while boosting motivation and productivity. In the Productivity Space, you'll make meaningful progress on any type of personal or professional project in the company of kindred spirits; others that also have ambitious dreams, exciting goals, and a mile-long to-do list!
What is a Productivity Space WORK SPRINT?Inspired by a world-famous technique for time management, work sprints with periodic breaks are shown to eliminate burnout, help manage distractions and therefore improve concentration, enhance efficiency, and boost productivity. We have two types of work sprints at The Productivity Space: 25-minute work increment followed by a 5-minute break 50-minute work increment followed by a 5-minute break We vary the pairing of these increments in each session to support a variety of work styles and needs. The description for each session will mention which work sprints are on the agenda.
What type of PROJECTS can I work on?Choose a project that have been avoiding haven't been able to make time to work on .....may lead to exciting opportunities for you or your business .....feels overwhelming or frustrating And most importantly, choose a project that will bring you great joy (and maybe relief) as you finally cross it off your to-do list! We recommend a project that falls into one of these categories: A) Albatross Project - A project that is a burden or source of distress. These projects can be a major source of anxiety so we usually avoid them like the plague. Unfortunately, they usually don't go away and the burden gets heavier as time goes on. It could be organizing your taxes, writing job descriptions for future hires, or learning how to use Quickbooks. B) Passion Project - A project that you conceive and create for the pure joy and pleasure of creation. A project that lights you up when you think about it. It could be the memoir that you started a few years ago or an event that brings together entrepreneurs in your area. The key to identifying a passion project is that you would do it whether you make money from it or not. C) Game-Changer Project - A project that could add a new revenue stream to your business or a system that saves you or your team a significant amount of time. It could be launching a podcast, creating a membership site, or creating a work flow and tracking system for your team. D) Bucket List / Someday Project - A project that needs to be done but is never going to be a priority. It could be cleaning up your contact list, organizing and filing documents on your desktop, or updating and refreshing your social media bios. Here is a list of categories to consider: Admin - Invoicing, Tax Prep, etc. Content Creation Course Creation Customer Service Desk Top: Organization or Grooming Digital Declutter Learning or Research Marie Kondo - Office Edition Marketing Medical Research or Billing New Business Development Office Organization Operations Personal/Professional Development Podcast Planning /Admin Preparing for a speech Social Media Relationship Building Sales Social Media Strategy and Planning Systems Development Website - Update or Maintenance Writing - Book, Blog, etc. *Some of these projects could be billable to a client. A WIN-WIN!
Can I NETWORK during the Work Sprint Session?The Productivity Space is for working, not networking. You will be asked to introduce yourself in the chat. Feel free to include your location and job tile or company name. Since we are here to work, please be respectful of the deep focus participants come here for and refrain from selling, trolling, or spamming in the chat. Reaching out to other attendees privately is prohibited. See Our Community Guidelines for more information.
How much actual WORK TIME will I have in each session?EXPRESS SPRINT 75-minutes total, 50 minutes focus time EXPANDED SPRINT 105-minutes total, 75 minutes focus time ESSENTIAL SPRINT 125-minutes total, 100 minutes focus time
Do I have to to do any PREPARATION for the session?The amount of preparation you do prior to the start of the work sprint is entirely up to you. While preparation is not required, YOU WILL GET THE GREATEST BENEFIT from your time in the Space if you do some preparation. Once you register, you will recive a link to download our Pre-Session Planning Guide and we highy recommend you use it. In the meantime, here is an overview of the preparation steps we recommend: First, decide on the project you plan to work on. See the question "What type of PROJECTS can I work on?" for help with that. Next, determine the steps you will need to accomplish to create a clear path to completing this project. Break each step down into bite-sized tasks that individually or combined can be completed in 25 or 50-minute work sprints. Note the specific tasks you plan to work on during the first Work Sprint and the second Work Sprint. NOTE! Don't fret if your tasks take more or less time! By preparing a task list in advance, you'll be able to jump to the next task if you finish early. Just know that the more work sprint sessions you do, the more accurate you will get at breaking down your tasks into 25 or 50-minute chunks.
Do I have to take the BREAKS or can I continue working?You are not required to participate in the breaks however, YOU WILL GET THE GREATEST BENEFIT if you do. Rest is an integral part of the Productivity Space Process and neuroscience backs it up. Stepping away from your work, physically and mentally, optimizes your natural Ultradian Rhythms (look it up!) and allows your brain and body to recharge and refresh. Checking e-mail, scrolling through social media, or checking the news is not a bonafide break. A legit break gives your mind a rest from solving problems and you will come back to the work with a fresh perspective and renewed energy. We even recommend that you plan your break in advance!
Are VIDEO and AUDIO on or off during the Work Sprints?We invite you to keep your VIDEO on throughout the entire session, but it is not required. Some people prefer to participate in the room during the pre and post work sprint conversations but turn their camera off during the work sprints and breaks. Your AUDIO will be muted as you enter the room. Please keep your audio muted unless you have been called on by the host to speak.
Tell me more about the HOSTS.....Every Productivity Work Sprint Session will be facilitated by a knowledgeable host that has personally used work sprints to make progress on their own important projects. Our hosts are entrepreneurs, business strategists, coaches, meditators, artists, creators, and action-takers that have all at some point, struggled with overwhelm, distractions, lack of clarity, and avoidance when it comes to getting things done. Our Work Sprint hosts offer group support during every session with useful productivity, time management and habit-creation tips, tools, and strategies. Using these productivity tools has transformed our lives and businesses and we are passionate about inspiring others to do the same! Learn more about our Hosts on the About Us page.
I can join the ZOOM ROOM 10 minutes early? Tell me more....Ten minutes prior to the start time we open the Zoom room and begin letting attendees in. Use this QUIET TIME to prepare your environment, mind, and body for your deep focus work session. It would also be the perfect time to print out the Pre-Session Planning Guide (find the link in your confirmation emails) and plan your work session tasks. You may also introduce yourself in the chat or simply take a few sips of water, and relax. WE START ON THE HOUR.
What if I reserved a spot and now I CAN'T MAKE IT?Your purchase is non-refundable. Once you reserve a spot in one of our virtual sessions, you can not reschedule or cancel. If you are unable to attend your session, on a case-by-case basis we will accommodate transfers to another person. Contact us NO LESS THAN 24 hours in advance of your session and we will do our best to process your request. In order to process your transfer request, we must have the full name and email address of the replacement. If you made this purchase in error, contact our team immediately at
What are your COMMUNITY GUIDELINES?We want to ensure that everyone who participates in our sessions has an enjoyable experience. When you enter our virtual sacred work space, you have arrived at a place where you are encouraged to relax, eliminate distractions, and be present so you can find your focus and flow as you make progress on your projects. * Positive Vibes Only: The life of a business owner can be hard. It is realistic to expect that sometimes you might feel stressed, angry, frustrated, rushed, or overwhelmed right before your Productivity Space session starts. We come to The Space to work, to make progress on our projects, and to be lifted by the energy of this community. Bring your best energy and a positive expectation. Be kind, compassionate, and respectful of each other. * Productivity Space Sessions are sales and networking-free zones. No trolling, spamming, or selling will be allowed in the chat or during any group conversation. * You may not transcribe, record, or reproduce in any form, information shared by the host or attendees, during a session without prior written permission from The Productivity Space founder, Gail Baral. * During the Zoom session, if you act in any way which, in the opinion of The Productivity Space Host, is causing any disruption or nuisance for the host and/or other attendees, you will be asked to leave the session via private chat. If you do not leave quietly and continue to cause a disruption, you will be removed from the participant list. We shall not be liable to refund your Registration Fees. * You must comply at all times with the Zoom Community Standards as detailed on their website. Failure to do so will result in you being asked to leave the session (in which case no refund will be provided). * Unless otherwise stated, the copyright for any Productivity Space materials, whether provided before, during, or after the session (including slides, The Guide, worksheets, checklists, etc) belongs to us and may not be reproduced in any medium without prior written consent from The Productivity Space founder, Gail Baral. You may use such materials for your own purposes only and may not reproduce, publish, or deal with such materials in any way for any commercial use. * We may wish to record, photograph, or film the session and reserve the right to do so for the purposes of promoting future sessions. By completing the registration form, you consent to the use of your image whether it be recorded or photographed during the session by the host, Gail Baral, or an employee of GAIL BARAL GLOBAL and/or The Productivity Space. * Any attendees may photograph the Zoom screen for social media sharing. We encourage it! However, you may NOT record (audio or video) the session without prior written consent from The Productivity Space founder, Gail Baral.

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